Monday, 14 October 2013

Creating a Rock/Asteroid in Cinema 4D

This was a very highly requested tutorial, so I thought I better make it! We will be looking at the FFD to model with, as well as some texturing tricks to get this looking sexy. As always, if you have any questions leave them on the video or here on the blog!

Create the Moon in Cinema 4D

In this short tutorial we will take a look at how to create the Moon in C4D. It's actually pretty simple. Some basic texturing techniques coupled with some lighting methods really sell this render and make it look believable. Leave a comment on the video or on this blog if you need any help and I'll get back to you!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Tutorials Coming Soon!

Hey everyone! Just a quick update here, firstly I hope you have all been having a good summer, and secondly, I have a batch of new tutorials coming very soon. We are going to be looking at creating another space scene, this time the sun, and in another tutorial the moon! I'm also going to be doing a texturing tutorial showing you how to create convincing water, and how to animate some waves. All this should be coming in the next week or two so keep a look out! See you in one of those videos soon!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Creating an Earth in Cinema 4D

So how did I create the earth in the animation I hear you ask? Well hopefully the tutorial below will answer those questions, hopefully I manage to cover everything, but leave a comment if you feel I didn't cover something and I'll do my best to help you out!

You can download the final image here!

How I made the Moon scene in 'Destruction is Beautiful'

This is a still taken from my animation 'Destruction is Beautiful'. I thought I'd just give a run down of how the moon was made and some post processing techniques I used for this particular shot. So firstly the moon. The moon was actually very easy to make, and was done in C4D. It is simply a sphere that has been made editable, and then displaced with a texture map of the actual surface of the moon (sourced from NASA photographs) and then layered with some additional bump maps for added realism. The earth I will make a separate post about as its a little more complex and deserves a separate post I think! The lighting for the scene was also relatively straight forward. I used an omni light placed to the right with a slight orange yellow tint to replicate the sun, and then added a number of spotlights to light the right side of the moon in this image to create some more drastic shadowing. The post effects were done for this particular image in Photoshop, however the scene in the animation was done in After Effects. After Effects was actually much easier to use for the colour grading and adding the flares with Video Co-Pilots great plugin 'Optical Flares' I made custom flares and placed them in relevant places as well as tracking some larger flares with an orange glow to the sun light object, just for some added atmosphere.

I have a tutorial on creating the moon which will be posted here once it's been uploaded, so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading! And you can download the image here!

Destruction Is Beautiful (First Place)

Wow! So I just found out I won a competition for this animation of mine which is insane! I put a lot into this and I now know it was all worth it (not that it wouldn't have been if I hadn't won, but it was a nice confidence boost!) I have some tutorials on certain aspects of this which are up on YouTube  and I'll be doing some breakdowns in the near future too! Well done to everyone else that entered, there was some really amazing stuff that had been done in this competition so it must have been a tough decision. I'll post those tutorials here on the blog shortly, in the meantime, go watch my entry if you haven't already! Peace!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Creating the Sun in Cinema 4D, After Effects and Photoshop

This wallpaper was created a little differently to how I usually create my wallpapers as I used After Effects to do all of my post work as opposed to Photoshop. This actually worked very well and was allot faster than using Photoshop with what I think looks like a much cleaner result. The reason I used AFX was for it's Plug-Ins; Glow, Optical Flares, Trapcode Shine were all used, and the lens artifacting was also done in AFX. The ball of light it's self was literally a ball of light, well two to be precise. I used two volumetric lights in C4D, one with a very shallow falloff and one with a falloff that was much larger to create the warmth around the sun. Once all the work in AFX was done I did drag the image into Photoshop for some final colour correction as I find it a little easier to adjust the settings of different colour correction modules in Photoshop.

You can watch a sped up creation of this on my YouTube channel here.

And download the final image here!