This wallpaper was created a little differently to how I usually create my wallpapers as I used After Effects to do all of my post work as opposed to Photoshop. This actually worked very well and was allot faster than using Photoshop with what I think looks like a much cleaner result. The reason I used AFX was for it's Plug-Ins; Glow, Optical Flares, Trapcode Shine were all used, and the lens artifacting was also done in AFX. The ball of light it's self was literally a ball of light, well two to be precise. I used two volumetric lights in C4D, one with a very shallow falloff and one with a falloff that was much larger to create the warmth around the sun. Once all the work in AFX was done I did drag the image into Photoshop for some final colour correction as I find it a little easier to adjust the settings of different colour correction modules in Photoshop.
You can watch a sped up creation of this on my YouTube channel here.
And download the final image here!